Why do People Like Snake Style Tattoos?

Looking into mythology, snakes have been a prominent character throughout history, and people are always fascinated by snakes. Across cultures, the snake carries its meaning and symbolism, representing positive and negative characteristics. The snake tattoo style remains popular to this day. Not everyone can ink their skin, so instead, they opt to wear a tattoo print shirt with snake figurines embedded in it.

The snake is a universal symbol that is multivalent, and it can be both men or women or self-created. It is generally represented as coiled and compared to life and manifestation cycles. 

The serpent is both solar and lunar, light and dark, good and evil, healing and poison, wisdom and blind passion, preserver and destroyer, and physical and spiritual Rebirth.

 Snakes are eminent misunderstood creatures and can be regarded as good or evil. However, they represent a variety of meanings and symbolism, including;

  • The cycle of life/Rebirth

The snake has the ability to shed its skin, which is interpreted as a symbol of change, Rebirth, transformation or healing. Snakes are survivors and predators and are seen as an animal that regenerates life and lives for a long time.

  • Power and strength

Despite good or evil, without any doubt, snakes are a powerful symbol and reptiles that have evolved since the age of dinosaurs. And in religious beliefs, from the very Garden of Eden itself.

  • Unpredictable

Snakes represent the symbolism of unpredictability as they can pop out at any time out of anywhere and keep waiting to strike. Therefore wearing this tattoo means that you are a person who doesn't play by the rules.

  • Reincarnation

There is an image of a snake eating its tail called the Ouroboros. This ancient symbol originated in Europe and represented the circle of life and death and Rebirth. It also describes the changing seasons of life.

Different tattoos have different meanings and symbolism. You can research different tattoo styles to choose the one that appeals to you. For further information, feel free to contact Tattee, our official website. We offer the best streetwear shirts with tattoo-inspired designs. 


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